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Kim Lynn Heinimann

How using a GLITTER analogy changed my career...

Who would have thought that using a glitter analogy to describe COVID would create headlines "family violence practitioner turned marriage celebrant" in the Warrnambool Standard Newspaper, LESS THAN 1 WEEK AFTER I LAUNCHED Celebrations with Kim Lynn.

civil marriage celebrant Great Ocean Road Port Campbell Princetown South West Victoria
The exciting article that captured my story as to how I ended up as a civil marriage celebrant living on the Great Ocean Road, in South West Victoria.

Similarities between Glitter & COVID

-Spreads easily and gets everywhere

-Creates an absolute mess & chaos

-Doesn't go away very easily

-Highly transferable

-Regardless of your efforts, it's impossible to manage the transmission to others

-Becomes part of your day to day life

-Sparks creativity & inspires new projects

- Is a worldwide phenomenon, known by everyone!

The Evolution of Celebrations with Kim Lynn

Resigning from my secure and stable job as a family violence practitioner in the midst of a global pandemic, was indeed a huge risk to take & change to make, but one that truly reinforced the importance of always seeing the possibilities and not letting Covid dictate your choices. Just like with glitter, you have to embrace the chaos whilst seeing the potential and also finding acceptance that it's going to be part of your life for a while! I absolutely recognise the luxury of having the ability for such a mindset, and understand that this free attitude was very much possible as I did not have any significant financial commitments or children. I very much respect that Covid has impacted us all differently and in no way am I undermining the effect it has had on millions of people. This is just my story and whether a pandemic or not, I would have still ventured into the unknown and pioneered new ideas because I was ready to bloom into a space where I could truly express myself. Covid just prompted the change and my glitter analogy sparked a career change.

After finishing the Certificate IV in Celebrancy and becoming a registered marriage celebrant, there was a point where I did consider delaying my business and thought Covid was going to defeat my grand plans. At this point, the pandemic had magnified. But, I simply had to change my mindset, re-adjust my perspective and come up with a way that worked with the current circumstances. Instead of seeing the obstacles, I reframed and thought about all the wonderful micro-weddings, elopmenets and intimate wedding ceremonies I would get to be part of.

Crisis creates opportunities.

So take a leap of faith and embrace change with open arms.

civil marriage celebrant great ocean road south west victoria geelong melbourne port campbell princetown otway national park

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2 comentarios

success voltage
success voltage
6 days ago

Sadly, I think most marriage regrets were really about the wrong person* I know mine is. You think that the other person is going to put equal amounts of work into the marriage. Unfortunately that rarely ends up being true. Even for those of us who try to keep their vows. Staying with that person through thick & thin, often becomes an endless exercise in self delusion & at times emotional torture. One can't always know ahead of time that the partner they have chosen & love will not do their share in the marriage partnership. Leaving one partner always being the one to compromise, & making all the effort. Catching my partner cheating on me was the beginning of…

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Mathew Joiner
Mathew Joiner
12 oct 2021

You are sooooo stunning!

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